Friday, August 14, 2009
This tale's got no head or tail..
But this is how it goes..
Brothers of a kind..
Lived merrily close..
Together they slept..
Together they rose..
Shared food, shared water..
Even the air from the nose!
In came a pretty intruder..
And conflict grows..
Men being men..
excitement overdose!
One tugged her hand..
The other pulled her toes..
Yet other got the waist..
One clinged to her skirt's bows..
Some sang love in groups..
Solo performances some chose..
But each in its way..
Screamed hard so she knows..
She was a bit too promiscuous..
More than one she chose..
One must always have backups..
Never know when wrong something goes..
Variety be the spice of life..
As she already knows..
Picked the uniquest most..
The commons she dispose..
Brothers more alike of the kind..
Lost in the crowd sat morose..
While the smart and loud and clear..
Struck the winning pose!
Each note of their songs..
All their highs, All their lows..
Along with their lady's name..
In files in golden letters.. forever glows!
An ode to extracellular single unit recordings in the olfactory bulb! :)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Some to be Stuart the little..
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Disclaimer: The poem is a simple outburst of emotion, All characters are a figment of my imagination, any resemblance to anyone living or dead is almost co-incidental.. ;)

With love to Dhadi.. :)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Li'l-Naughty-Rattie sat in a cage in the wall..
The Li'l-Naughty-Rattie knew it all..
It laughed seeing me almost on my toes to reach it..
Ha Ha Ha.. Girl if only you were a bit more inches tall!
It looked at me through the corner of its eye..
I smiled back stupidly - 'just wanted to say a Hi!'
I lifted up the wire rack - 'Dude lets be friends..'
But it knew where it was going.. and where it ends!
It puffed up its chest.. and lifted up its chin..
Showed back a thumb to me - 'get back to from whereever you've been!'
'But I was just being nice - my heart is clear..
I mean no harm.. why do you fear?'
But the Li'l-Naughty-Rattie from up the cage in the wall..
Was smart and sharp.. and he knew it all..
'Ok if you insist - we could talk it out..
But hang on a minute - let me settle my doubt..'
'Friends?' I said, a handshake was a good beginning I thought..
Boy, this is easy - atleast easier than it ought..
But as soon the hand was stretched out for a shake..
Out of fear I guess.. the hand went back in a wake!
No not the Rattie.. it was me who was scared!
It was standing there happily.. while I was shivered and feared..
But its so tiny, what could it do afterall..
C'mon be brave - its hardly 6 inches - you're atleast 5 feet + (nothing at all!)
So with new guts and zeal - lets make a fresh start..
Gentle is what you've got to be - its a skillful art!
C'mon Li'l Rattie lets go out for a walk..
May be over a cup of tea.. we could talk!
It puffed up its neck.. and raised high its nose...
Smelling my hand it was, me clueless 'Is this how it goes?'
'Hey what do you think of yourself dude - I have had a clean bath n fresh air!
What makes you doubt.. cant you smell the 'Davidoff' in there?'
And am sure it did, for it jumped a bit..
leaped on happily to my arm - Wow! The davidoff was a hit!
Only if I knew what it had on its mind..
From my arm onto my shoulder.. and it leaped behind!
All right Li'l Rattie enough games for the day..
Lets be done with you - and get this out of the way..
As I ran behind it.. here and there like a jet did it sway..
As If a game of hide-n-seek we were meant to play..
And from behind the bench.. stickin out its toungue..
It smirked and laughed at me - showed me a thumb!
'Now thats not done - have all you've been taught is to behave this way?'
As i grabbed it by the tail.. in air did it sway..
I cuddled it gently.. my dear I mean no harm..
And it sat their Quiet (finally) on my arm..
I think its heart melted for it smiled and stretched out a hand..
As I shook it with mine.. right into my palm did its sharp claw land!
'Ouch! That hurt', "M sorry - that wasnt meant -
If i knew it before - Some of your anaesthesia.. to you would i have lent!
So that even if I digged it in and drew out blood in weil,
Not a penny of pain - would you ever feel!
Or feel you would - but wouldn't be able to shriek or say..
For am not sure which of the senses does that dose take away!"
'I Think we've had enough chatting for a day..
More later may be.. '- Into its cage I put it away.,,
The Li'l-Naughty-Rattie was back in its cage on the wall..
If Science is our aim, If noble is our call..
The least I guess I can do - be warm and nice..
To hurt A little less - my rat and mice..
For if I were to be he. And you were to be me..
Though may be even if your point I'd be able to see..
But knowing that though lovingly - what you were going to do..
Am sure my dear - I wouldn't be exactly 'nice' to you!
So next time to my Li'l-Naughty-Rattie , n all rat n mice..
The least I'll do is be gentle all sweet and nice..
Poke down the needle gently.. without hurt or hit..
Dont worry my friend - This is going to hurt.. just a Li'l bit!