Thursday, July 24, 2008
In a far away land where no one goes...
Is a li'l building of which almost none knows...
I'd tell you the way.. if you really wana get there...
Warn your pocket I must.. darn heavy is the fare!
And even if you're sure you're rich enough...
I also must warn you.. that the journey is tough...
You ought to be brave and have the strength to fight...
For you'll find all rickshaws' way too polite!
Well, if smart you are you wont mind their glare...
Just a few rude beans spilled here and there...
Pay them twice the worth.. n softly if you plead...
Am sure they'll help you in this hour of need...
Though the journey is fun.. through the traffic and blare...
And later than sooner you'd find yourselves there...
And if you're scratching your head wondering if the address is right...
For all you can see looks like a forest till far in the sight!
Smile my friend.. for the hardest part is done...
Just hit the road staright.. and head out for the fun...
Tread where the roads leads.. only keep your eyes open wide...
Else you'll miss those 'li'l' signboards hidden somewhere in the side...
And you might just take a turn wrong or two...
And if that happens then good Lord help you!
Ah! smart you are.. you'll call me up and seek the way...
And anyways you're almost there hardly a few metres away...
Lets not waste more time hunting.. your Phone you better seek...
How I wish you could use it.. only if the signal wasn't so weak...
If you're lucky enough a few more wrong turns may accidently lead you right...
Or you'd spot a holy soul somewhere close in the sight...
And if you're luckier still.. a li'l more than kannada will he know...
And if you tell him the place he'll tell you where to go...
Oh! dint I tell you name? I thought i had...
NCBS.. Right there you see it.. Aint you glad?
Yes you are.. for now not trees and bushes in front of ur eyes...
This elegant grey building stands - indeed a pleasant surprise!
And i'll let you marvel.. for its not just a pretty sight...
But also post the 'adventourous travel' - a huge respite!
And it only gets better when with a pleasant smile...
The guard at gate assures that its indeed the place you've been hunting for all this while!
So there you are in a faraway land where no one goes...
In this Li'l building of which almost no one knows...
If the travel's tired you out you could rest a bit...
All right, I'll go on with my talking.. but only since you insist!
Much different from the untamed wild bushes outside...
Everything in here is a pleasing sight...
Neatly cobbled paths.. intricately with pebbles are lined...
A trip or two you might risk.. but for their sheer beauty you dont really mind!
And mind it.. to make it look the way it is - much a fuss they do...
Such obsession for cleaning I've seen in places quite few...
From every li'l window - to every ledge - every door...
Every bit from the ceiling to the wall to the floor...
They clean and mop and sweep and wipe and shine...
Even the leaves of all those plants you saw placed in line...
Not a twig on the gardens that you can see in the view...
Except for those that just fell... they couldnt help those few...
Oh! and did you see the pond.. (well technically a ditch you could call)...
But nevertheless its pretty.. got pretty kingfishers and lilies after all!
As nice is it indoors.. the hostel takes you by even more a surprise...
No scrape falling off the walls.. it took me a while to believe my eyes...
A room neat and cozy.. even a bathroom's attached...:)
And its all for you.. its not just comfort - a luxury unmatched!
So pleasant is the stay.. and you've all that you want...
As long as something from the market you do not demand!
Now that's a li'l tricky.. for all this made you forget...
All the fun on the way ypu had.. before here did you get...
For the way out - is just the same as that came in...
Only now you dont have to be brave and the dangers are thin...
There is no worry about arguements with auto uncles' for one...
Coz inside here.. even if you really wished for.. you will still find none!
Anyway.. By the time you crib and complain and make a fuss...
You realize that its time for the next shuttle bus...
And for they are good with time.. hurrying.. you better be...
Or for another hour you'd be waiting.. sipping coffee or tea!
And though now even though you may have time enough...
To chat a li'l more.. and have me tell you a li'l more stuff...
For all in good.. I'd better make my way...
For I was here to do better than chatter through the day...
Though its rude I know to abruptly end a conversation like this...
But then i've already told you all.. did something i miss?
Ah yes! We do science.. but that i thought you already knew...
For you'd know its the place to be if you loved biology too...
And if you dont then you'll anyways never feel the real fun...
Of being in this faraway land visited by none...
Its not the luxury, the beauty and the comfort thats the treat...
But the quality of brains that here you meet...
The spirit to question and the oppurtunity in hand...
To feast your urge.. fend for yourselves what you wana understand...
All that that is known.. and even that that is not...
U've got all the means if the enthusiasm you've got...
And dont you get me wrong it isn't roses all the way...
To think with reason and logic.. Is no trivial work for a day...
That elegance in thought.. the eye to see what is seen by few...
Is what amazes me most.. wonder if it mystifies you too...
And that's all i wana take home - the ability to question.. to see the logic through...
And may be if am lucky.. to fetch an answer too!
And for they say when oppurtunity knocks at your door...
I'd now better be going before it waits no more...
For even though the best of scientists are the most creative at heart...
And its all about ideas be it science or art...
And imagination and the power to think is all they take...
A 100 line poem does not eventually a 'scientist' make!
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I liked the last paragraph the most...
liked ur poem a lot!!!
its true and its subtle. :)
yaa - tht its rhyming easily makes it even better reading!
good going.!! hope life is good.. :)